Hmm....bk to school

First day is kinda boring cuz I dun rily have sum new frenz ):


Went to meeting in the morning

This is the most unforgetful meeting XD

Cant tell u wat did we discuss in the meeting cuz


Homework cuming bk.....T.T

They are kinda lyk a PILE!!!!

Sure will sleep late today ):

Good luck for tomorrow...

Signing off! (:


cookiekan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Orientation Day today (:

Finally cn meet bk my buddies


Arrived skul at 7 am...

Saw JiaHwei (:

Xirong, HongLiang, WanXuan & KaiYuan are there too

Then Wanting came...then go to see the class list

Hope I am not in the class HeeYik told me T.T

But is a fact...HeeYik didnt trick me...I am rily in 2a3


希望破灭! My hope vanished!!!! KAAAAAAAAAAAABOOMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!


Got 10++ ppl from 1A1 going to 2A3...PHEW!!!

Still got sum frenz there....but I rily dun wanna be in the same class wif HeeYik again larrr


Then went into the hall....

Chatting all way long after Pn Cheam finished speaking her speech

Then went away from the hall...making me dunno where did I nid to usher

Dun care le larrr.....乱乱 usher!!!!! ==

Begin our duty (:

Many form 1 students there...they r cute ^^

Speech from principal & sum important person in skul cuming on

Quite a long time rily...stand until my leg hampir cramp...

Perfomance began after all the LONG speech (:

We cn sit down finally (:

At first we cant sit the at last we sat on it

Taking the Form 1s going around the skul

I am still okay I think...

Bt is nt sastifiying cuz last time when Xirong helped me to revising the route, I was acting better ):

11.30am...Dismiss (:

Quite tired after dutying

Dunno why...slept 2 hours after going bk home (:

2A3 for next year...haiz...hope next year will be fun (:

2010...waiting for you to arrived faster

Signing off.


cookiekan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


 tree *

Merry Christmas yea, all my fellow friends!

Wish u enjoy it!


Miss ya all always...(:

Best wishes from Siekei

cookiekan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A. 被点到名的人要在自己的部落格回答以下问题

B. 必须注明是谁传给你的

Tag :
1. Eshin
2. Yeyun
3. Honghao
4. EuniceLim
5. Voonhao
6. Jiehan
7. Wanxuan
8. Xirong

Question :

1. 你最喜欢什么节目 ?
: 偶像剧

2. 你叫什么名?

3. 敢不敢向自己喜欢的人告白?
: 可能

4. 难过的时候会 ?
: 哭是发泄的最好的方法:) 舒服点

5. 相信日久生情吗?
: 相信

6. 以一个形容词形容点你点名的人的外表
: 美若天仙 / 帅气十足

7. 你现在最想做什么 ?
: 换个新发型

8. 用一个字形容自己
: 呆 O.O (这是我来滴...呵呵!)

9. 你的梦想
: 很天马行空哦!用字无法形容 :D

10. 现在最希望的事 ?
: 希望病毒们不要爱上我!== (我不想在当药煲了叻!!!)

11. 十年后,你想过怎样的生活? 你会怎么实现 ?
: 在印度的大学毕业后,当个医生吧...努力读书...奋斗!!!

12. 接下来你最想去旅行的国家或城市 ?
: 日本/台湾/罗马

13. 你为什么答这些问题?
: 被 tagged 啦!

14. 怕不怕世界末日 ?
: 没想过叻!(:

15. 什么时候觉得孤独 ?
: 上课时间...跟隔壁那位先生八字不合==没办法...

16. 你最后一次打电话给谁?
: 姑姑...

17. 你开心吗?
: 病魔缠身...不开心 ):(连汤圆都没得吃T.T...今天还是冬至叻!Kasihan...)

18. 你最害怕什么?
: 蟑螂 (恶心死了!)

19. 相信一见钟情吗 ?
: 相信

20. 如果世界末日来临,你会做什么 ?
: 写好遗嘱...然后用尽力跑...因为走为上计!(:

cookiekan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

1. 请老实回答每一个问题。
2. 不得擅自涂改题目。
3. 写完后请点6位朋友,不可不点。
4. 点完后请通知那6位小朋友他被点到了。
5. 那6位小朋友填完问卷,必须把问卷寄回给你问卷的人

= SieKei
= 13岁 (明年就14岁了)
= 18-01-1996
= 山羊座,魔羯座
= 游泳,唱歌(在冲凉房才有这个勇气==),绘画
= 唠叨...应该没了吧 (:


= 我也不确定
= 交往??没对象叻...(况且也没人要我吧!)
= 算吧...有很体贴的好朋友,有很爱唠叨我的家人
= 臭骂我老姐一顿!(谁叫她每天欺负我 :p)
= 有才说吧!看情况...可能会答应

 = Sieyeng
2)  他是你的?:
 = 老姐
 = 唠叨,三八,吝啬鬼,直肠子

     = 13年 (我一出世就认识她了!)
     = 超爱对我动手动脚的!东西又爱乱放...害得我要帮她收拾(24小时女佣==)
     = 请支付我的薪水!(我才不要每天做她的免费女佣叻!!!)

= 偶像剧
= 慢歌 (尤其是感伤的)
= 秋天
= Detective Conan
= 我家人,朋友们
= 白色
= 日本,意大利 (罗马...我发梦都想去),台湾
= 凉风阵阵的晴天



     = A) 送我更多愿望(超贪 XD)

  B) 老姐对我好一点

   C) 希望我的那个‘他’真的会出现
  = 在某方面是
 = 秘密 (:


 = 还好(:
 = 或许不愿意

 = 厄,秘密 (:
     = 不是...





♥ Voonhao

♥ Wanting

♥ Yeyun

♥ YiLing

♥ JiaSing

♥ SongLing


cookiekan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

今天和姑姑们,姐和表妹去The Mines...为的就是要帮我换一副新眼镜

哎...这已经是家常便饭了!谁叫我的近视每年都会加深 ==

破了人生的一大记录~ @.@


== 谁叫老姐挑剔...说这个不行,那个又不好...

为虾米不自己选?因为对戴虾米眼镜都没主见 ):


找到那里的最后一间才找到我的心头好 (:


O.O 这很丑咧~

我不认识她们的~ ==

最后我买到了眼镜了!大功告成 (:

cookiekan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


(1) 请老实的回答每一个问题
(2) 不行擅自塗改題目
(3) 写完请点10位小朋友,不可不点
(4) 点完后请通知那10位小朋友他被点到了.被点了的不能再点

1- Voonhao
2- JiaSing
3- Yuyan
4- Honghao
5- Xirong
6- JiaYi
7- Eunice
8- Eshin
9- SongLing

10- SieYeng

01-[ 4号认识6号吗? ] : nt chating much (:

02-[ 10号是男还是女? ] : Female

03-[ 8号的兴趣是? ] : Baking (:

04-[ 1号有没有兄弟姐妹? ] : Sure .

05-[ 7号姓氏? ] : Lim

06-[ 10号人缘好吗? ] : Ok Ok (:

O7-[ 4号有人追吗? ] : No I think (: ( Sry yea Honghao )

08-[ 承上2号呢? ] : Don't know :)

09-[ 3号和10号是朋友吗? ] : No

10-[ 8号的生日是? ] : 07081996 (:

12-[ 5号读哪呢? ] : CHS , PJ .

13-[ 你怎么认识10号的? ] : Know her since I was born (:

14-[ 你跟1号的生日差几个月? ] : 8 months

15-[ 你和9号有出去玩过吗? ] : Nop (:

16-[ 你喜欢和2号聊天吗? ] : Yeah (: Talking crap

17-[ 你喜欢和3号在一起吗? ] : 喜欢。

18-[ 你觉得7号人怎么样? ] : Friendly . =)

19-[ 你觉得9号人怎么样? ] : SUPER GOOD FRIEND ! :D

20-[ 你爱5号吗? ] : him as a friend (:

1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的 : Khor Yeyun / Tee Wanting

2. 你们认识多久呢 : A year / Half a year

3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗 : Super Important ! :D Both

4. 你与他(她)的关系是 : Best friends

5. 你覺得他(她)的個性如何 : 很可爱,和她在一起不需要掩饰,真正的朋友就是这样。Both

6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是 : Reading, Singing /  Sry yea, haven noe yt, pls tell me when u on9 (:

問 : 當你在更衣室沖水,门忽然被打开了你会

答 : SHOUT!!!! ARGH!!!!!

問 : 海中忽然大浪來襲后你发现比基尼小姐上身泳裝被沖掉了你会
答 : 蓋住眼睛然後偷笑...然後看哪個變態老會假裝英雄救美... ( by eunice )

問 : 去海边玩会使用咩交通工具
答 : car :x

問 : 你突然发现沒帶泳裝泳衣你会買吗
答 : Maybe .

問 : 回去时发现有其他遊客手机沒拿你会觉得是哪牌子的
答 : Nokia

問 : 海边对你來说是
答 : 浪漫,同时也是发泄的好地方。(:

問 : 看到镜子会不由自主的向前吗
答 : Kinda

問 : 经常用洗面乳吗
答 : Everyday :x

問 : 说到自恋会想到谁
答 : Munhan ( Super perasan (: )

問 : 有人说该減肥了你会
答 : My mummy said I am skinny, TQ (:

問 : 自恋適合你吗
答 : You say leh ? x)

cookiekan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Tagged by Voonhao

- Your boy side -
[!] You love hoodies.
[!] You love jeans.
[!] Dogs are better than cats.
[ ] It's hilarious when people get hurt.
[ ] Shopping is torture.
[ ] Sad movies stink.
[ ] You own a car racing game.
[!] You played with Hot Wheels cars as a kid.
[ ] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
[!] You owned a DS, PS2, N64, or Sega.
[ ] You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers.
[!] You have watched sports on TV.
[ ] Gory movies are cool.
[!] You go to your dad for advice.
[ ] You own like a trillion baseball caps.
[ ] You used to collect hockey cards.
[!] Baggy sweats are cool to wear.
[!] It's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
[!] Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors.
[!] You love to go crazy and not care what people think.
[ ] Sports are fun.
[!] You talk with food in your mouth.
[ ] You sleep with your socks on at night.
[ ] You have fished at least once.

- Your girl side -
[!] You love to shop.
[ ] You wear eyeliner.
[!] You wear the color pink.
[ ] You go to your mum to talk.
[!] You consider cheerleading a sport.
[ ] You hate wearing the color black.
[!] You like going to the mall.
[!] You like getting manicures and/or pedicures.
[!] You like wearing jewellery.
[!] You cried watching The Notebook.
[ ] Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe.
[!] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
[!] You don't like the movie Star Wars.
[ ] You are/were in gymnastics.
[!] It takes you around one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up.
[!] You smile a lot more than you should.
[ ] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
[!] You care about what you look like.
[!] You like wearing dresses when you can.
[!] You like wearing high heel shoes.
[!] You used to play with dolls as little kid.
[!] You like putting make-up on others.
[ ] You like being the star of everything.
[ ] Pink is one of your favorite colors.

- Appearance -
[ ] I am shorter than 5′5″.
[ ] I have many scars.
[ ] I tan/burn easily.
[ ] I wish my hair was a different colour.
[ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair colour.
[ ] I have a tattoo.
[!] I am self-conscious about my appearance.
[ ] I've had/have braces.
[!] I've been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger.
[ ] I have more than two piercings.
[ ] I have/had piercings in places besides my ears.

- Embarrassment -
[!] I've slipped out a "LOL" in a spoken conversation.
[!] Disney movies still make me cry.
[ ] I've snorted while laughing.
[!] I've laughed so hard I've cried.
[!] I've cried so hard I've laughed.
[!] I've glued my hand to something.
[ ] I've laughed til some kind of beverage came out of my nose.
[ ] I've had my pants rip in public.

- Health -
[ ] I've gotten stitches.
[ ] Broken a bone.
[ ] I've had my tonsils removed.
[ ] I've sat in a doctor's office with a friend.
[ ] I've had my wisdom teeth removed.
[ ] I've had serious surgery.
[!] I've had chicken pox.
[!] Swallowed something I probably shouldn't have swallowed.

- Travelling -
[!] I've driven/ridden over 200 miles in one day.
[!] I've been on a plane.
[ ] I've been to Canada.
[ ] I've been to Cuba.
[ ] I've been to Niagara Falls.
[ ] I've been to Ottawa.
[ ] I've gone to Sudbury.
[ ] I've been to the Caribbean.
[ ] I've been to Europe.
[ ] I've been to Florida.

- Experiences -
[!] I've gotten lost in my city.
[ ] I've seen a shooting star.
[ ] I've wished on a shooting star.
[ ] I've seen a meteor shower.
[!] I've gone out in public in my pajamas.
[ ] I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
[ ] I've kick a guy where it hurts.
[ ] I've been to a casino.
[ ] I've been skydiving.
[ ] I've gone skinny-dipping.
[!] I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
[!] I've crashed car.
[ ] I've been skiing.
[ ] I've been in a musical.
[ ] I've caught a snowflake or snow on my tongue.
[ ] I've seen the Northern Lights.
[ ] I've sat on a rooftop at night.
[!] I've played a prank on someone.
[!] I've ridden in a taxi.
[ ] I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[!] I've eaten sushi.
[ ] I've been snowboarding.

- Relationships -
[!] I'm single.
[ ] I'm in a relationship.
[ ] I'm engaged.
[ ] I'm married.
[!] I miss someone right now.
[!] I've told someone I loved them when I didn't.
[!] I've told someone I didn't love them when I did.

- Honesty/Crime -
[!] I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't.
[!] I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't.
[ ] I've snuck out.
[!] I've lied to my parents about where I am.
[!] I've cheated while playing a game.
[ ] I've ran a red light.
[!] I've witnessed a crime.
[!] I've been in a fist fight.
[ ] I've been arrested.

- Death & Suicide -
[!] I'm afraid of dying.
[ ] I hate funerals.
[!] I've seen someone/something dying.
[ ] Someone who is close to me has attempted/commit suicide.
[ ] I've planned my own suicide before.
[ ] I've written an eulogy for myself.

- Materialism -
[!] I own over 5 CD's.
[ ] I have an unhealthy obsession with anime/manga.
[ ] I own designer purses, costing over $100 a piece.
[ ] I own something from Pac Sun.
[!] I collected comic books.
[ ] I own something from The Gap.
[ ] I own something I got on E-Bay.
[ ] I own something from Abercrombie.

Tag 10 people-
1 Tang Voonhao
2 How Yiling
3 Tee Wanting
4 Khor Yeyun
5 Ng Honghao
6 Teng Jiayi
7 Seet Yuenyang
8 Hang Puikay
9 Wong Sieyeng 
10 Wong Suqin

By Voonhao again
A. You prefer...
1. Alcohol or Mineral Water
2. Blue or Pink
3. Hot Guys or Cool Guys
4. Good Looks or Brains (good-looking girls have brain too yea (: )
5. Taylor Swift or Taylor Lautner
6. Friends or Loved Ones
7. " Baby " or


B. Your/You kind of guy :
1. Alcoholic or Non-alcoholic
2. Good or Bad
3. Brave or Cute (... ==)
4. Tall or Short ( Better taller than me (: )
5. T-Shirt or Suite
6. Coat or Leather Jacket
7. Sunnies or Spectacles
8. Caring or Rich
9. Kisses or Hugs
10. Romantic? (I never wan it to happen (: )


C. Your/You kind of girl :
1. Cute or Pretty
2. Sweet or Caring
3. Sports or "Princess Candle"
4. Surprises? (yes.....)
5. Smile or Frown
6. Love Quotes or Love Poems
7. Computer Geek or Study Nerd
8. SMS or MSN
9. Forever or Just for fun
10. Hangouts with Friends or Couple date


D.Your Daily Activities :
1. After Breakfast - Watching TV
2. Before School - Tv (:
3. During School - Emo-ing
4. After School - Quarreling until lack of saliva
5. Night - Tuition/On9- ing
6. Midnight - Sleep
7. Holidays - Boring... ==


E. Tag 10 people:
1 Tang Voonhao
2 How Yiling
3 Tee Wanting
4 Khor Yeyun
5 Ng Honghao
6 Teng Jiayi
7 Seet Yuenyang
8 Hang Puikay
9 Wong Sieyeng 
10 Wong Suqin

1. What if 9 confesses that he/she likes you? (Sieyeng)
- Erm...she will nt lyk me or else she wan me to help her doing sumthing :P

2. Will you go out for a couple date with 3 if he/she asks to? (Wanting)
- No...of course...i'm nt a lesbian

3. Is 7 single? (Yuenyang)
- Mayb...

4. Describe 1. (Voonhao)
- Speechless ==ll

5. Will you date 8 ? (Puikay)

6. What is 2's nickname? (Yiling)
- Yo...captain (:

7. What do you wish to tell 10 right now ? (Suqin)
- I will always love u MUACKS!!!!

8. What is 5 good in? (Honghao)
- Making me blur-ing ==

9. If you were to do one thing to 4, what would it be? (Yeyun)
- Talking crap & singing songs (:

10. Have you seen 1 cried ? (Karmen)
- Yep...Usually cried cuz of his result ):

11.Is 2 crazy or geeky? (Yiling)

12. Will you hold 7's hand and walk around? (Cheryl)
- Erm...I think nop cuz he sure wouldnt let me do tat!!! HAHA!!!

13. What do you think of 6? (Siekei)
- CUTE!!! (:

14. Will you kiss 3 when there is only both of you in the park? (Wanting)

15. Is 8 sweet? (Puikay)
- Yea...of course (:

16. What is 9's hobby? (Sieyeng)
- Torturing me .... 'sobs' T.T WHERE GT SIS LIDDAT ONE...

17. Will you date 10 to a high class restaurant? (Suqin)
- I'm poor xD

18. Is 5 fitted to be a maid? (honghao)
- Speechless...

19. When it started raining, who will you seek for an unbrella ?
- Myself...cuz I bring my umbrella everyday (:

20. Where would you go with 1 on a date ?
- U mean gathering...ANYWHERE HE WANTS (: 6-mians ROX!!!

cookiekan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I am so sad & emo nw...cuz... ALL MY OUTING RUINED!!!! ):

Sum words to the one hu ask me for outing...

Voonhao: Sorry ya, the outing going to Midvalley canceled d

                cuz sumone dun have time & my parents busy...

                & the part which makes me angry the most...

                MY DRIVER IS ALSO BUSY TOO!!!! ):

Karmen  : Although I miss 1A1ians, but...

                 I cant go too cuz the same reason wif Voonhao's...Sorry ):

                Really miss you & 1A1ians...(:

                Wish you all have a good trip...(:

Wanting: Sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                I really cant go although I know you rily 期待...

                & I am rily 期待 too...

                Cuz... My cousin cum bk from Singapore

                & I gotta teman her...

                & the main reason...

                MY PARENTS ARE I didnt have transports...

                & my mum dun let me go by KTM ' sobs ' T.T

                WHY?????????????? ):

                You can go with 1A4ians...Sorry...I cant teman you... ):

Prefect trip: ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   I cant even go for the prefect trip tomorrow...............

                   Wif the same reason lyk Voonhao's & Karmen's... ):





But my mum said mayb will go PortDickson when cousin cuming bk...

Water chalet...hope the sea will be clean...

Clean sea can comforts my broken heart mayb...hope so... ):

Well but I think is impossible...

 Voonhao says: Can go play then shall cherrish.

 Well...hope so...I hope to have a little cherrish rily... (:

 Signing off...

cookiekan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



闷坏的胸口让我 想大声的吶喊


你冷淡 你让分手 就这样


一年过了 还是一天 计算着慌张

计程车上的音响 我们最爱的情歌

这一刻却重重击破思念的 心藏

夜深了我怎么办 寂寞了谁在身旁

心情变得好复杂 想她 念她 恨她

一个人你害怕吗 细数过漫天星光

说好永远不分开 多假 多假 多假

让记忆长出翅膀 飞 翔

心放空了 寂寞 好了


 我脆弱 情人节开始失常

別人庆祝 我却很失落

秋天过了 冬天漫长

关于爱 感伤

我们天真的勇敢 我们追求的梦想


夜深了我怎么办 寂寞了谁在身旁

心情变得好复杂 想她 念她 恨她

一个人你害怕吗 细数过漫天星光

说好永远不分开 多假 多假 多假

让记忆长出翅膀 飞 翔

心放空了 寂寞 好了


爱多甜 伤多痛 都释放 oh~

夜深了我怎么办 寂寞了谁在身旁

心情变得好复杂 想她 念她 恨她

一个人你害怕吗 细数过漫天星光

说好永远不分开 多假 多假 多假

让记忆长出翅膀 飞 翔

沒有你 心放空了 寂寞 好了

cookiekan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

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